Erotic Massage

Erotische Massage von Mann zu Mann


Experience a combination of classic, Hawaiian and Taoist erotic massage on the massage table. 

The touch nourishes your whole body, sometimes gently and softly, sometimes deeply and powerfully. Kneading strokes gradually become tender and sensual, activating your sexual energy and playing with your arousal.


I offer four types of erotic massage:


This massage pampers your body for an hour with tender, gentle, but also more firm long strokes. Your genitals are also included. You are invited to simply enjoy the touch without any performance pressure. An orgasm does not have to be the goal, but is welcome. 


60 minutes | 165 CHF


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A nice back massage will help you relax and arrive first. Then I will slowly open your anus or just massage it from the outside. Just as it feels right for you at the moment. If you want, I can penetrate with a finger and stimulate your prostate and the inner layers of your pelvic floor muscles. Your genitals can also be included. You decide the pace and how gentle or strong the stimulation is.


50 minutes | 185 CHF

60 minutes | 195 CHF


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Lingam Massage

A relaxing full back massage lets you forget the daily grind and allows you to come back to yourself and the here and now. Your genitals will be increasingly included and stimulated in this massage. I will perform a series of Taoist strokes on the lingam (penis).  Towards the end of the massage, you can decide for yourself whether you want to release the sexual energy you have built up through ejaculation or take it back into your everyday life by distributing it throughout your body.


75 minutes | 195 CHF


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Eros Massage

 The term 'full body massage' is absolutely true for this session! Nothing is left out here: Your whole body is touched from head to toe and your anus and genitals are part of the experience too, as an anal & prostate massage can also provide additional deep relaxation or have a energising effect. On the front side, your genitals are also included with intensive strokes and stimulated to a happy ending. 


90 minutes | 255 CHF


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Would you like more body contact with the masseur?


Then try the Tantra massage or the Eros Touch ritual, which takes place on a futon and involves more physical closeness and a Body2Body massage. 

